
Hey! I’m Joey Dardano, a fun-lovin’, middle-child seeking validation on yet another platform! Help From A Hyprocrite is a beautiful mix of two things I wanted out of starting a podcast: To interview my friends, and to give solicited advice. When the guests and I tell a story or offer any advice, however, we have to own up to how we ourselves still struggle to learn and grow ourselves! I feel the biggest problem with many talking heads and advice shows out there is the fact that everyone sounds so 100% certain of the advice they’re giving, and everyone but you sounds like a genius whose got it all figured out. On Help From A Hypocrite, we’ll not only help you out, but also make you feel just a little bit less alone in your struggle. Come laugh with me and my friends, and hopefully learn something along the way.

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Rainbow Rewatch


Receipts with Jenny